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Three Policies

Three Policies

Students enrolled in FY2022

Diploma Policy Graduation Accreditation and Diploma Policy

Faculty of Economics

In order to send creative and autonomous highly skilled professionals who can adapt to the diversifying and complex modern society, Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Economics acquire the following four skills: self-understanding (self-management skills), innovation skills, information literacy, and international skills.

  1. Self-understanding (self-management ability): Be interested in social and regional issues, understand the role that should be recognized and played in the environment in which they are placed, and motivate them to realize them.
  2. Innovation power: By properly creating sentences and presentations, you can express your opinions and discuss with others, and work with others to realize new ideas based on creativity and flexibility in thinking.
  3. Information literacy: Based on the knowledge of mathematics, statistics, and information processing necessary for studying economics, students acquire the ability to collect information necessary for solving problems and appropriately analyze the collected information.
  4. International power: Based on knowledge and understanding of different cultures, we can collect and analyze information in a language that is not the native language, and communicate by expressing our own ideas.
  5. Specialty: Based on the above abilities, it is possible to discover, investigate, and analyze problems based on deep knowledge of one's specialized field, act independently to solve problems in cooperation with others, and check their own actions.

Diploma policies for each department in Faculty of Economics are as follows.

(1) Department of Economics

Under the basic knowledge of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and economic fundamentals, Department of Economics confers a bachelor's degree to students who have acquired knowledge of economic analysis, finance, social policy, global economy, regional economy and society, and have the ability to analyze and logically express economic and social issues facing modern society.

(2) Faculty of Economics Department of International Commerce

Department of International Commerce confers a bachelor's degree in commerce and commerce to students who have acquired knowledge of theories and practices related to international economic and international relations, East Asia, distribution, marketing, business administration, management information, accounting and bookkeeping as specialized skills.

(3) Faculty of Economics Department of Public Management

Under the basic knowledge of economics and business administration, Department of Public Management confers a bachelor's degree to students who have acquired a wide range of knowledge in public policy, management, and theories and practices of local communities as specialized skills and have the ability to respond to the current public issues facing today.

Curriculum policy Policy for organizing and implementing curriculum

Faculty of Economics

Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Economics organizes and implements a curriculum based on the following policies so that students can acquire the knowledge and skills set forth in the Diploma Policy.

  1. The curriculum consists of three pillars: basic education, liberal arts education, and specialized education.
  2. Academic literacy and basic exercises are arranged for the first year of education.
  3. Exercise courses are set up for each year, and small-group interactive classes are held for all grades.
  4. Establishment of foreign language, foreign language training and study abroad programs
  5. Career education subjects for career design are assigned to each grade.
  6. Systematic courses using numbering, course system diagram, syllabus, and CAP systems and realization of Osamu Osamu.
  7. Evaluation of Osamu's achievements based on assessment policy

The curriculum policy of each department in Faculty of Economics is as follows.

(1) Department of Economics

Department of Economics organizes and implements curriculum based on the following policies so that students can acquire the knowledge and skills set forth in the Diploma Policy.

(2) Department of International Commerce

Department of International Commerce organizes and implements curriculum based on the following policies so that students can acquire the knowledge and skills set forth in the Diploma Policy.

(3) Department of Public Management

Department of Public Management organizes and implements curriculum based on the following policies so that students can acquire the knowledge and skills set forth in the Diploma Policy.

Admission Policy Admission Policy

Faculty of Economics

Shimonoseki City University Faculty of Economics is looking for the following students:

  1. Students who aim to play an active role in a company based on their knowledge of economy and management
  2. Students who aim to play an active role in public places such as the government and NPOs based on their knowledge of administrative and financial matters.
  3. Students who aim to play an active role in the international community based on their advanced foreign language skills.
  4. Students who aim to play an active role in the ICT industry and data analysis field based on knowledge in the fields of information and mathematics.
  5. Students who aim to play an active role as educators and researchers based on their deep knowledge of society and human beings.

The contents that are expected to be acquired before enrollment are as follows.

  1. Basic knowledge and skills required to study economics include knowledge of Japanese language, geography and history, citizens, mathematics, science, and foreign languages learned at high schools, etc.
  2. The ability to discover and solve problems that are interested in daily social and economic issues and think about solutions by themselves as abilities such as thinking, judgment, and expressiveness, and communication skills cultivated through group learning and extracurricular activities at high schools.
  3. As independence, diversity, and collaboration, the attitude of learning with a sense of purpose, the ability to understand different cultures and values, and the public spirit obtained through activities in local communities.

Each department of Faculty of Economics seeks the following students:

(1) Department of Economics

Department of Economics seeks students who are interested in various issues in the local community and international community and have knowledge and skills that form the basis of theory, history, and policies related to economic and social issues, as well as logical reading, thinking, and quantitative analysis skills.

(2) Department of International Commerce

Department of International Commerce seeks students who are interested in modern global business and corporate management, are motivated to actively take on international exchange, and have basic language skills and information processing skills.

(3) Department of Public Management

Department of Public Management seeks students who are motivated to actively work in the community, are interested in the various public issues facing the community and society, and have logical thinking skills to learn them academically.