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Shimonoseki City University

Privacy Policy

The public university corporation Shimonoseki City University (hereinafter referred to as the “Main University”) has its official website (a site that starts with the official website https://www.shimonoseki-cu.ac.jp/, hereinafter referred to as “this site”) The handling of personal information presented by everyone who uses the service will be determined as follows.
In addition, this privacy policy applies only to this site.

1.Acquisition of Personal Information

Information on this site that can identify individuals (personal name, address, telephone number, age, etc.) will be obtained when you make inquiries, request materials, or apply for various open lectures.

2.About the purpose of use of personal information

The personal information obtained by the university will be used for answering inquiries, sending materials, and attending various open lectures.

3.About management of acquired personal information

Our university will properly manage the personal information obtained on this site. In addition, we will prevent leakage, loss, and damage of personal information, manage it appropriately, and do not use it for any purpose other than office work handling personal information.

4.Provision of personal information

The University does not provide or disclose personal information held to third parties unless it is based on the consent of the individual, when specified by laws and regulations, or otherwise specified by the regulations of Shimonoseki City.

5.About access log

The university uses the access logs of the user who visited this site (information such as the page visited, the time of access, the location immediately before accessing the site, and information such as keywords used for access from the search engine). Utilize it for site management, analysis of access status, etc. It will not be used to obtain personally identifiable information.

6. Links to external sites

This site includes links to external sites, but does not share personal information. Our university is not responsible for the acquisition of personal information performed on the linked external site, so please check with the external linked site.