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Courses and classes

A campus

A About campus implementation

Dispatched students (domestic)

Since fiscal 2003, the university has concluded a unit recompatibility agreement with Toa University and Umeko Gakuin University, and has implemented credit recompatibility. The aim is to further enhance the diversity of liberal arts education subjects and specialized subjects by releasing the distinctive classes of each university. Students of our university can take courses offered by other universities as temporary students. The credits earned will be recognized as a graduation credits for our university.

a.Application procedures

You must apply for each semester.

  1. Application documents A campus special student application form
  2. The application period will be posted separately.

b.Attendance fee

All admission fees are free. However, the cost of teaching materials for experiments, practical training, and practical skills will be borne by the actual expenses.

c.Course rules

  1. This is included in the number of credits required for this university.
  2. The subjects are all grades.
  3. You can register up to two subjects per semester.
  4. If you cannot secure more than 30 minutes of travel time, you cannot register.
  5. If you are disqualified for a subject you are disqualified due to lateness or absence, you will not be able to register A campus for the next semester.


It will be implemented according to the method of hosting university.

e.Unit certification

Depending on the subject subjects you have taken, you will be certified as a liberal arts education subject. Class subjects that have been certified (excellent, excellent, good, acceptable) will be performed.