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Special Needs Education Vocational Course

What is a special major?

As a teacher training course for in-service teachers or those who have obtained (expected) a teacher's license, we teach and study more advanced expertise and individual children have at local educational sites centered on special needs schools. The purpose is to train special support education specialists who can demonstrate problem-solving skills to meet various actual conditions and educational needs.

In this department, you can obtain the required qualifications for a special support school teacher's license (intellectually disabled, physically handicapped, sick) by acquiring the prescribed credits. The basic qualification of the license is to have a bachelor's degree and have a normal license of either elementary school, junior high school, high school or kindergarten teacher.

Special Needs Education is "Special Needs Education" (Education that meets special educational needs). In Japan, in order to realize inclusive education, all faculty members are required to understand and respond appropriately to the educational needs of each child, regardless of disability. The goal of this department is to develop faculty members who have a vision of the future of special support education and their educational philosophy in Japan, considering the history and definition of special support education, changes in related systems and policies, and the actual implementation of special support education in other countries.

Acquisition of three educational areas

Intellectually disabled

People with physical disabilities

The sick

In one year, acquire the philosophy, attitude, knowledge, and skills for teachers involved in special support schools, special support classes, elementary and junior high schools, and childhood special support education. Special teaching courses to acquire the necessary credits for students, physically handicapped, and sick).


Based on psychological, physiological and pathological knowledge and understanding of diversity [human understanding]
[Science Analysis Power] and [Problem Solving Ability] from Understanding Children's Educational Needs
[Coordination ability] to provide uninterrupted educational support inside and outside the school
[logical explanation] and [communication skills] for multi-occupational cooperation and collaboration
Licenses that can be obtained

Special support school teacher type license (knowledge, limb, disease)

  • Status of license acquisition in FY2023
    Of the six graduates in 2023, all six have obtained a special support teacher's license (knowledge, limb, disease).
  • Status of license acquisition in FY2022
    Of the three graduates in 2022, all three have obtained a special support teacher's license (knowledge, limb, disease).
  • Status of license acquisition in FY2021
    Of the three graduates in FY2021, all three have obtained a special support teacher's license (knowledge, limb, disease).



It is a requirement for completion of this department to acquire a total of 30 credits, including 27 credits required for obtaining a license and 3 credits required for selection. Courses with parentheses in the number of credits are electives.

Subject categories specified in the Enforcement Regulations of the Educational Staff License Act Course name Number of credits Education field Date of opening Remarks
Central area Areas included
Column 1 Courses on Basic Theory of Special Needs Education Outline of Special Needs Education 2   Autumn  
Column 2 Courses related to Special Needs Education Courses related to psychology, physiology and pathology of infants, children or students with physical and mental disabilities Psychology, Physiology and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities 2 Knowledge Limb disease
Psychology of people with physical disabilities
Physiology and Pathology
2 Limb   Spring  
Psychology, Physiology of the sick
2 Disease   Spring  
Courses related to curriculum and teaching methods for infants, children or students with physical and mental disabilities Education for persons with intellectual disabilities 2 Knowledge Limb disease Autumn  
Education for people with physical disabilities 2 Limb   Autumn  
Education for the sick 2 Disease   Autumn  
Inclusive Educational Guidance Method I 2 Limb   Full year Every other week
Inclusive Educational Guidance Method II 2 Disease   Full year Every other week
Inclusive Education Guidance Method III (2) Knowledge   Full year Every other week
Column 3 Courses related to areas other than the special support education area that will be stipulated in the license ・Courses related to psychology, physiology and pathology of infants, children or students with physical and mental disabilities

・Courses related to curriculum and teaching methods for infants, children or students with physical and mental disabilities
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Children with Disabilities or Students 2 Duplicate LD (Duplicate, LD, ADHD) Intelligence disease Spring  
Education for the visually impaired 1 Sight   Spring Concentration
Education for the hearing impaired 1 Listening   Autumn Concentration
Education for persons with developmental disabilities 1 Duplicate LD (emotion, LD, ADHD)   Spring Concentration
Education for persons with disabilities 1 Duplicate LD (Duplicate / Language)   Autumn Concentration
Diversity Education Practice Research IA (1) Duplicate LD (LD)   Spring  
Diversity Education Practice Research IB (1) Duplicate LD (LD)   Autumn  
Diversity Education Practice Research IIA (1) Duplicate LD (ADHD)   Spring  
Diversity Education Practice Research IIB (1) Duplicate LD (ADHD)   Autumn  
Diversity Education Practice Research IIIA (1) Duplicate LD (emotion)   Spring  
Diversity Education Practice Research IIIB (1) Duplicate LD (emotion)   Autumn  
Column 4 Education training for infants, children or students with physical and mental disabilities Special Needs Education Practical Research 1    Full year  
Special support education training 2    Autumn  
Required unit for obtaining a license (a) 27 units
Completion requirements (a+3 credits or more must be selected) 30 units

※The curriculum is subject to change.

Teacher introduction

Teacher in charge Courses in charge Major areas of expertise
Diversity Education Practice Research IA and IIA
Diversity Education Practice Research IB and IIB
Outline of Special Needs Education
Diversity Education
Theory, Systems and Policy
Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Psychology, Physiology and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of the sick
Education for the sick
Education for persons with disabilities
Inclusive Educational Guidance Method II
Diversity Education Practice Research IIA/IIB
Illness Education Area
Duplicate Disability Education Area
Inclusive education
Diversity Education
CHO Chaeyoon
Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Psychology, Physiology and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Children with Disabilities or Students
Inclusive Educational Guidance Method I
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of the Physically Disabled
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities
Rehabilitation medicine
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Physical Disability
Inclusive education
KIM Minji
Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of the sick
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Children with Disabilities or Students
Psychology, Physiology and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology Areas of Sickness
Psychology, Physiology, and Pathology of Intellectual Disabilities
Mamiko Ota
Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Education for persons with developmental disabilities
Education for persons with intellectual disabilities
Inclusive Education Guidance Method III
Diversity Education Practice Research IIIA and IIIB
Developmental Disorder Education Area
Education area for intellectual disability
Inclusive education
Diversity Education
Teacher in charge Courses in charge Affiliation and Major Activities
Yoji Kanehara People with Intellectual Disabilities
Psychology, Physiology, Pathology
Director, Kanehara Pediatrics Department
Social welfare corporation Jinjo Chair
Chairman of the Shimonoseki City Special Needs Education Promotion Committee
Chairman of Shimonoseki City Independence Support Council
Chairman of Shimonoseki City Council for the Protection of Children Needing Protection
Vice Chairman of Child Drain Shimonoseki
Special Olympics Japan Deputy Chair
Director of the Japan National Council of Social Welfare, Shimonoseki
Director of Shimonoseki City Social Welfare Corporation
Masahiro Kozuki The sick
Psychology, Physiology, Pathology
Chair President, Yamagata Prefectural University of Health and Medical Care
Professor Emeritus, Tohoku University
Vice President of Tohoku University Medical Association
Japan Society of Kidney Rehabilitation, Chair
Director of the Japan Society of Rehabilitation Medicine
Director of the Japan Society of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Director of the Japan Society of Motion Therapy
TV appearance: "Today's Health", "Gatten", "Try Gatten", "Q to a famous doctor", "Asaichi", etc.
Uzushi Nakamura Education for the visually impaired Professor, Faculty of Education, Fukuoka University of Education
Chairman of Kitakyushu City Measures for Persons with Disabilities Promotion Council
Director of the Special Needs Education Center attached to the Institute of Education
Deputy Director of Student Support Center for Persons with Disabilities
Akira Yamamoto Education for the hearing impaired Senior Researcher, National Research Institute for Special Needs Education
Awarded by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2014.01)
Natsuki Yano Outline of Special Needs Education
Physical disability education
Special Needs Education Lecturer, Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus

Courses, etc.

By taking the necessary credits from the courses offered in Special Needs Education Vocational Course, students can acquire credits to switch from two types of special needs school teachers' licenses to one type and add areas. For details, please refer to the application guidelines for courses and other students in advance.

Submission address

〒1-1, Oaza 2-chome, Shimonoseki City University Student Affairs Department Educational Affairs Divisiton

2024 download file

Inquiries about Special Needs Education Vocational Course

Student Affairs Department Educational Affairs Divisiton
[email protected]

Admission Department Admission Division
[email protected]