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Brand Guidelines
UI ※History of Construction
- ※UI = University identity
Background of working on UI
The purpose of the creation of the symbol mark and slogan
Recognizing that the incorporation in April 2007 is a major milestone in the history of the university, which has been half a century since its establishment, we aim to further clarify the sharing of awareness within the university and the transmission of information outside the university by enacting the following symbols and slogans that symbolize the "University Vision" as set forth in order to achieve a new start for the next generation while inheriting the past.
Creating a university through co-creation
In order to realize our philosophy and motto, "Aiming for the world rooted in the community and aim for the world," and to further enhance, we aim to "create a university through co-creation" while placing improvement in communication skills at the root of education. In addition, while actively promoting “co-creation” initiatives to connect with the local community, demonstrate partnerships, strengthen cooperation and cooperation, and create meaningful results with each other in all aspects of the university's activities, we aim to be a bright and open university.
Take advantage of the regional characteristics of Kanmon Straits
The regional characteristics of Kanmon Straits, which is Shimonoseki's identity, are regarded as a junction of mutual exchange, and the regional characteristics of the university through co-creation.
The new vision of the university in the future and the measures for it
Main topics at present for "Creation of Co-Creation Universities"
3 years from FY2007 (2007 “Contemporary Education Needs Initiatives Support Program”)
Theme: "Co-creation learning program for the purpose of contributing to the community-Practice of" sightseeing, exchange, and community development "-"
※Next year, students attending the exercise will play a central role in conducting workshops with local residents on the theme of "environment," "river exploration," and "town development."
The Whale Reference Room (tentative name) will be newly established on November 14, 2007. We will collect various materials with the cooperation of local residents, companies, researchers, etc. who have been involved in whales, and aim to become a base for information networks on whales and research at OIST, and to enhance the archive department.
In order to respond to the various needs of the region in terms of research and research, we will actively disseminate information on OIST researchers, including easy-to-understand introductions of research results from the Institute of Industrial and Culture and graduate schools, in order to make the university visible.

Flag and interview board
How to use it in the future
We use a unified design for various envelopes, handbags, business cards, printed materials such as paper sent from the university, various expression media such as banners and interview boards, and various goods.
Symbol mark

Intent of production
With the motif of "S" in Shimonoseki, the topography of Shimonoseki and Kanmon Straits, a symbol of the region, are raised by Shinbo. The aim is to promote the spirit of "rooted in the community and aiming for the world" which is the philosophy of the university, based on the "center circle and two "S"", which represent the individuality and inquisitive spirit cultivated and nurtured in the local climate and fluttering into the world.
The circle at the center symbolizes the university rooted in the community, and also symbolizes the light of the independent personality of each student. In addition, the fact that the whole is harmonized by the two Ss represents the philosophy of "symbiosis" and "co-creation" advocated by the university.
University slogan

Intent of production
This slogan aims to contribute to the development of local communities and the international community by teaching and researching comprehensive knowledge and specialized academics, and by fostering talented human resources rooted in the community and aiming for the world through education and research aimed at the world.…The aim is to broadly promote the university's philosophy as a more intuitive vision.
"Kanmon Straits" is a symbol of Shimonoseki and the home of its identity. It is hoped that the wisdom of young people who gathered on this rare land and nurtured by that climate will fly to the world more widely than this land, aiming for a far future.
School color

cobalt blue Marine
Image of deep sea color of Kanmon Straits colored by many history.