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- About approval of establishment of Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science
Shimonoseki City University
#New SchoolAbout approval of establishment of Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science
The establishment of Faculty of Data Science Department of Data Science was approved on September 4, 2023.
[Update date: 2023.9.6]
About press conference concerning approval of establishment of Faculty of Data Science

(From left: President Yamamura, President, Korea, Professor Matsumoto (scheduled dean))
[Update date: 2023.9.1]
I've visited the inside of the new school building under construction! (August 2023)

The fourth floor is still in the skeleton before the heat insulating material enters.
[Update date: 2023.8.31]
Faculty of Data Science will be set up
[Update date: 2023.8.30]
I tried to summarize the construction of the new school building in a video! (July 2023)
Construction of a new school building in Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, under application for approval), is proceeding smoothly.
This time, we have compiled a video of the situation from the start of construction so far, so please take a look!
Faculty of Data Science (tentative name, application for approval) Construction of the new school building is proceeding smoothly! (June 2023)
The construction of a new school building in Faculty of Data Science, which is scheduled to open in April 2024, was completed in January 2023 and is currently proceeding smoothly.
The foundation work has been completed, and as of June 2023, the shape of the building has finally been seen.
In July, we plan to hold a briefing session for high school teachers in fiscal 2023, with explanations of Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, application for approval of installation/scheduled to open in April 2024) and Faculty of Nursing (provisional name, installation concept, scheduled to open in April 2025).
For more information, please refer to the following website.
※The plan for setting up a new faculty is planned, and the content may change.
[Update date: 2023.6.14]
About "Faculty of Data Science (tentative name, application for approval of establishment)"
Faculty of Data Science (tentative name, application for approval of installation) will be established in April 2024!
This department fosters "data scientists" required by society in a wide range of fields, not only in the IT field but also in the business field, medical field, agriculture field, etc.
In 2025, Faculty of Nursing (tentative name) will be newly established, and Shimonoseki City University will start from a single university to a general university.
I'm reborn as a study!
※Faculty of Data Science (provisional name) is under application for approval, and Faculty of Nursing (provisional name) is under construction.
[Update date: 2023.4.18 2022.8.9]
- Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, application for approval of installation)
Image of completion of the new school building
- About admission capacity
- Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, application for approval of installation) Brochure download
Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, application for installation approval) Image of completion of new school building!
The image of the completion of the new school building of Faculty of Data Science, which is scheduled to open in April 2024, has been completed. Completion is scheduled to be completed in March 2024. Develop data scientists who create new value from data.
■Overview of Construction Plan
Number of floors : 4 floors above ground
Building area : 636.59㎡
Total floor area : 2,488.40㎡
Scheduled to be completed : March, 2024
Main Applications : Lecture rooms, laboratories, student lounges, etc.
[Update date: 2023.4.18 2022.9.15]
About admission capacity
Faculty of Data Science (provisional name, application for approval of installation) Admission capacity: 80
The capacity of Faculty of Economics will be changed with the establishment of Faculty of Data Science (tentative name, under application for approval).
What is the capacity of each department in Faculty of Economics?
Department of Economics 195 people ⇒ 155 people
Department of International Commerce 195 people ⇒ 155 people
Department of Public Management 60 ⇒ 60 (No change)
A total of 450 people, including 370 people in Faculty of Economics and 80 people in Faculty of Data Science.
The total admission capacity is not changed.
[Update date: 2023.4.18 2022.9.15]
Contact information
Public university corporation Shimonoseki City University
Preparatory Office for Establishment of New Schools
TEL. 083-252-0288 (main) / FAX. 083-252-8099