From a single university to a comprehensive university composed of three faculties.
Our university is a public university with a history of about 60 years. In the past, the undergraduate composition was limited to Faculty of Economics (Department of Economics, Department of International Commerce and Department of Public Management), but from fiscal 2024, we will open the Faculty of Data Science.
In addition, since fiscal 2025, Faculty of Nursing has been added, and it has changed from a single university to a general university.

It fosters rich humanity and five powers.
Through basic education to acquire the literacy necessary to attend the exclusive education of each faculties, and liberal arts education to acquire the basic knowledge and culture necessary for members of society, form a well-balanced and rich humanity. You will acquire the five skills of "self-understanding (self-management ability)", "innovation power", "information literacy", "international power", and "specialization power".

The campus environment will be further enhanced!
With the opening of Faculty of Data Science, the construction of a new undergraduate school building is underway. In addition to classrooms and laboratories, it has a student lounge and is scheduled to be in service from April 2024. The construction of a new school building is underway in Faculty of Nursing, which will be opened in 2025. The entire campus has also been renewed under the theme of "rest space"!